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Post Sandy Reconstruction

It was Oct 28th, 2012 and there were long faces on all the NY news weathermen. Hurricane Sandy was definitely going to make that 45 degree turn into NJ the next day. As a late season storm one has to winder today how a Cat 1 storm could do so much damage. In NY storm surges were like mini tsunamis ripping up and pushing area boardwalks, at Long Beach and the Rockaways, inland. A week later I rode the Long Island and NYC shore fronts. The following page is my accounting of the reconstruction.

The New Rebuilt Long Beach Boardwalk
Post Sandy


Beach Sand Reclamation and Boardwalk Construction

Long Beach sand reclamation and boardwalk construction complete in one year

Rockaway post Sandy sand reclamation
Click on Image for update


Long Beach

See Related ....

Rockaway Boardwalk Construction Progress and Schedule posted in 2015

May, 2015 construction and phase 1 completion below

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