Rye Beach

In the late 19th and early 20th centuries, Rye's waterfront area of Westchester County, New York along the Long Island Sound was the site of a growing collection of recreational developments, including hotels, resorts, and "amusement areas". Local residents concerned about what a County report described as "unsavory crowds" induced the Westchester County Park Association to purchase two existing theme parks, Rye Beach and Paradise Park, and planned a local-government-sponsored amusement park and beach in their stead.
My trips to Rye from Pelham are one of my most favorite ....and most difficult. The hills of Westchester, off of any rail trail, can be challenging. Click on the illustration for more on Rye Beach and Playland. See also related link "Pelham Bay to Rye Beach" at the end of this page.

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