Gateway - Jamaica Bay
Jamaica Bay Wildlife Refuge is one of the best places in New York City to observe migrating species. In fact, it’s a birder's paradise with 332 bird species sighted at the refuge over the last 25 years that is nearly half the species in the Northeast. It is one of the most significant bird sanctuaries in the northeastern United States. Birding is excellent year round. It is a rich area for wintering waterfowl, including Snow Goose (at least 700 at one time)
Surrounding the Refuge are many bike trails.

I've been visiting and hiking the reserve for 25 years. Here is a short list of the many birds that i have observed >>> Glossy Ibis, Black skimmers, Oystercatchers, Blue/Gray Herons, Snow Geese, Egrets, Cormorants, Marsh Hawks, Osprey, Snowy and Barn Owls.

Black Skimmers
Snow Geese

"The Breach" ......Hurricane Sandy creates a breach from the salt water of Jamaica Bay to the fresh water of West Pond


Snow Geese